Lube Filtration

Keep your engine's Lube Oil Contaminants-Free with Fleetguard's High- Quality Lube Oil Filters

Continuous advancement of increasingly complex engines and the requirement to fulfill stricter pollution requirements are two of the most important factors why finer and synthetic oils are also being developed. By significantly lowering engine component wear and tear, cleaning engine parts, cooling engine parts, preventing corrosion, and sealing combustion chambers, these newly developed lubricants serve a critical role in engine maintenance. Prolonging the life of oil and minimizing the impact of wear-causing particles are the pronounced goals of the filtration system. However, one of the main benefits of our highly functioning lubrication system is increased profitability.

Fleetguard's Healthy Lubrication System effectively removes the particles that lead to engine wear such that engine oil lasts longer and requires fewer oil changes, which also reduces the cost of manpower. This leads to reduced downtime and increased income.

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Lube Filtration Types

Lube Filters Lube Modules

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